Creating Learning Communities in a Large Enrollment Class Using Teams

  • Alicia Frantz | Assistant Professor of Chemistry, General Faculty, Department of Chemistry


Despite teaching large-enrollment courses, Chemistry Assistant Professor Alicia Frantz is managing to build community among her students with the support of Microsoft Teams.

Despite teaching large-enrollment courses, Chemistry Assistant Professor Alicia Frantz is managing to build community among her students with the support of Microsoft Teams. She creates learning communities with 40 students and a graduate TA and each have their own page in Teams for sharing documents, getting together to study, or meeting virtually. She also uses Teams paired with OneNote for office hours. Frantz has noticed that attendance is higher than when office hours were in person. In the future, she will offer face-to-face office hours, in addition to having a Teams space open for students to join virtually and using OneNote to keep a record of what was discussed for all students to access.