Enabling Collaborative Teamwork Using Google Slides

  • Rachel Brozenske | Lecturer, Darden School of Business


If a course dedicates significant time to collaborative teamwork, Darden Lecturer Rachel Brozenske recommends using a tool like Google Slides to help manage the process.

If a course dedicates significant time to collaborative teamwork, Darden Lecturer Rachel Brozenske recommends using a tool like Google Slides to help manage the process. In Google Slides, Brozenske creates a master file that she duplicates for each project team, which gives her access to each group's work and allows her to navigate easily between them. Brozenske can observe a team's progress without interrupting the conversation and add real-time comments. Using Google Slides has also made grading much simpler because students simply share the file link, instead of uploading multiple documents. Lastly, teams use the same file throughout the semester, enabling Brozenske to see a history of the entire project.