What I Learned Teaching Mental Health in Schools

  • Mike Lyons | Assistant Professor of Education, School of Education and Human Development


How do you teach a medium-to-large-sized class that covers topics that can be stigmatizing, that requires students to be respectfully engaged with one another in small groups, online, during a pandemic? This was a complex question that kept Education Assistant Professor Mike Lyons up at night.

How do you teach a medium-to-large-sized class that covers topics that can be stigmatizing, that requires students to be respectfully engaged with one another in small groups, online, during a pandemic? This was a complex question that kept Education Assistant Professor Mike Lyons up at night. He has three simple yet important takeaways that he will carry forward. The first is to stay organized, which helps to reduce his anxiety as well as his students’ so that they know what to expect. He also learned that he and his students need to have some fun, and they are doing this by collaborating on a Google Doc. The last is being kind to students and himself, which can be done while still maintaining those high standards and expectations.