Article: Course and Assignment Design
Students as Producers: Collaborating toward Deeper Learning
Derek Bruff
I've seen the "students as producers" approach work in a wide variety of courses to help students move past "busy work" and engage deeply with course concepts.
For our end-of-year event, we wanted to show our campus what “Students as Producers” could look like, so we held an event we called the Celebration of Learning, an exhibition of twenty-five student projects from across the university: Research by first- and second-year undergraduates conducted within a biology lab course. Original short stories written for a Spanish course. Video documentaries created by future teachers to explore social and philosophical aspects of education. A water conservation education program aimed at children, developed by students in a service-learning course. These were just some of the products of student learning on display at the Celebration of Learning. The projects, posters, presentations, and performances shared at the event represented significant learning experiences for students. They also represented courses that were thoughtfully and intentionally designed by faculty to foster deep learning...