Article: Instructional Support

The ChatGPT Storm and What Faculty Can Do

Kimberly’s Recommendation
I like the way the authors have listed the various ways that students can use ChatGPT: rapid assistance, rapid resource accessibility, writing assistance, research support, exam preparations/study material generation, examination question response/rationale, proofreading and editing support, summarization assistance, and clinical documentation generation.


ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-driven, pretrained, deep learning language model, can generate natural language text in response to a given query. Its rapid growth has led to concerns about ethical use in academia.


The exponential rise in the popularity of ChatGPT, and concerns of academic integrity with its use, has raised concerns among faculty for how to best address this issue.


Faculty should understand the potential benefits and limitations of ChatGPT and create assignments that emphasize self-reflection, critical thinking, problem solving, and independent learning. Students must be taught how to critically evaluate information and how to make informed decisions.


ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize nursing education. However, it is critical for faculty to be familiar with its capabilities and limitations in order to foster effective, yet ethical and responsible utilization, while preparing students for the dynamic, rapidly advancing technological landscape in nursing and health care.