Website: Instructional Strategies

Generative AI Syllabus Statement Tool

Jessica’s Recommendation
If you want scaffolded support in creating your own AI syllabus statement, this is the tool for you. I love its full customizability—the tool provides concrete language that you can use, adapt, and revise as you go.

Generative artificial intelligence tools — software that creates new text, images, computer code, audio, video, and other content by following patterns learned from large datasets — burst into international attention in November 2022 when OpenAI made its generative text tool ChatGPT widely available to the public. The availability and capability of such tools continue to accelerate rapidly. Recognizing that individual faculty members will have different attitudes toward the use of such tools, the Office of the Dean of Seaver College has chosen to maximize faculty discretion on a course-by-course basis. The Dean’s Office strongly recommends that every course syllabus include an explicit statement regarding the use of generative AI tools in that course.

Accordingly, I’m here to help you construct a draft statement for your own syllabus. To be clear, I am not powered by generative AI. I’m just an interactive decision tree written in a conversational style to mimic a chatbot.