Article: Reflective Teaching

What Do We Mean By “Metacognitive Instruction”?

Molly’s Recommendation

Wondering how an instructor can be metacognitive? Here’s your answer! I especially appreciate how the author highlights the impact of such instruction on the experiences of the students in the classroom.

Metacognitive instructors are aware of what they are doing and why. Before each lesson, they have explicitly considered student learning goals and multiple strategies for achieving those goals. During the lesson, they actively monitor the effectiveness of those strategies and student progress towards learning goals. Through this pre-lesson strategizing and during lesson monitoring awareness, a key component of metacognition, is developed; however, awareness is not sufficient for metacognition. Metacognitive instructors also engage in self-regulation. They have the ability to make “in-the-moment”, intentional changes to their instruction during the lesson based on a situational awareness of student engagement and achievement of the learning objectives — this creates a responsive and customized learning experience for the student.