Article: Learning Technologies

Instructor Spotlight: Bolster Engineering Students' Communication with Peerceptiv

Our Recommendation

This spotlight on UVA's Adam Barnes shows how Peerceptiv has elevated his engineering students' communication skills, increased his grading efficiency, and helped to manage assignments in his large courses.

Adam Barnes, Senior Lecturer of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia (UVA), was unsatisfied with the mastery of teamwork skills in his courses. The American Board for Engineering and Technology Accreditation (ABET) underscores the need for engineers to proficiently 'communicate and collaborate' as they will in their careers after graduation. Previously most courses relied upon traditional group work, which was deemed 'good enough,' but left many students frustrated with the unbalanced efforts of their peers. Adam recognized the necessity for a more targeted strategy to elevate communication skills within his classes. Adam now utilizes Peerceptiv across three distinct courses within the engineering curriculum, marking a deliberate shift towards a more comprehensive and tailored approach to address communication challenges.