File: Learners and Learning

What are Executive Functions?

Jennifer’s Recommendation

This infographic answers some of the more common instructor questions about executive functioning (EF), including: (1) What are some of the more common behaviors and skills associated with EFs? (2) Why do some students struggle with EFs? (3) How does stress affect EFs? (4) How can I support students' executive functioning?

Some students are more prone to exhibit difficulties with executive functions than others, including students with ADHD, dyslexia, processing disorders, traumatic brain injuries, and students on the autism spectrum. However, problems with EFs can also emerge as a result of outside forces like stress, anxiety, trauma, and even stereotype threat.

The excessive levels of stress, trauma, and anxiety that we all experienced as a result of COVID-19 have caused many people (including our students and ourselves) to struggle with things like time-management, focus, organization, prioritizing, and monitoring our own progress. In fact, many people who didn't previously have difficulties with EFs are experiencing EF problems now.