Audio: Learners and Learning

Teaching Students with ADHD with Cathryn Friel

Derek’s Recommendation

I find myself citing this interview with Cathryn Friel again and again in my work with faculty. She has so much practical advice for minimizing undesirable difficulties for students so they can spend their time on the desirable difficulties of learning.

And as far as the course design itself goes, the fewer links that they have to navigate and have to make decisions on, the better off they are. Having everything that they need for a particular unit, module, chapter, whatever you want to call it, within that course site so that they don't have to go looking around for it is crucial. One of my participants actually mentioned his frustration several times that it's ridiculous for me to have to search around in the web the course site to find what I need to do, the resources that I need to do it and get the instructions; I need to spend that time on the assignment, not finding it and the resources. So they were all very... they all mentioned that the way that the course is set up and where stuff is located was key.