Article: Course and Assignment Design
Quick Overview for Onboarding Students
Boise State University
I appreciate how this resource provides considerations for thinking about practical and doable ways to onboard students to your LMS. It provides tips and resources for getting started with onboarding instruction.
In any semester, there is a LOT for students to process during the first week of class. As faculty, we plan our courses carefully, with lots of rich opportunities for learning. We sometimes forget how complex orienting to our courses can be, especially when students are simultaneously orienting themselves to four or five different courses.
Students are likely experiencing a mixture of course modes, and it may be challenging for them to keep track of the multiple course-sites, syllabi, and online platforms (in and outside Canvas). Thus, it is especially important for faculty to focus attention on the “onboarding” and “welcoming” process for students.
This page provides concrete suggestions that are important for any course.