Rich Ross (he/him)

Assistant Professor



Rich Ross graduated with a M.S. and Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Georgia, where he studied topological data analysis with applications to atmospheric science. During these studies, Dr. Ross also spent time teaching undergraduate courses in consulting and worked with the UGA statistical consulting center. Upon his arrival at UVA, Rich spent time focusing on providing consulting resources to interested students as well as teaching numerous undergraduate courses, as well as teaching courses for the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS). This emphasis in teaching led him to participate the UVA CTE's Course Design Institute, and he was one of the CTE's Ignite Fellows in the 2022-2023 academic year. These days, Dr. Ross focuses on teaching and developing frameworks for statistics education, including developing open educational resources, presenting findings in statistics education, and preparing students for the likely future of statistics, data science, and their intersection with technology including artificial general intelligence.