Book: Scholarship of Teaching
Discipline-Based Education Research: A Guide for Scientists
Stephanie J. Slater, Timothy F. Slater, Inge Heyer, and Janelle M. Bailey
A quick, focused, and practical read on the basics of conducting DBER studies, I got my start in DBER partly because of this book!

This expanded and updated second edition book is written for scientists who want to learn more about how science education research is done and how to get started in discipline-based education research. It provides the reader with an introduction to the philosophical and practical differences between more familiar traditional scientific research and the more unfamiliar domain of sociological research. Readers will learn about the most robust ideas in education research, which serve as jumping off points in their new forays into the realm of discipline-based education research. Quantitative, interpretive, and action research methods are introduced with real-life, easy to follow examples.