Website: Reflective Teaching
Critical Teaching Behaviors Framework
Critical Teaching Behaviors
If your focus is more traditional classroom-based teaching activities, this is a great resource, It describes six facets of effective teaching, types of “critical teaching behaviors” aligned with good practice, and ideas for evidentiary documents. The companion book includes in-depth descriptions of the critical teaching behaviors and a wealth of supporting tools, including peer observation and student feedback forms.

The CTB serves as a comprehensive system that helps instructors and administrators know good teaching when they see it.
- The CTB defines six overarching categories of effective teaching behaviors based on extensive analysis of research on teaching and learning: align, include, engage, assess, integrate technology, and reflect.
- For each category we identified specific behaviors instructors can implement and provide suggestions for evidence and artifacts they can collect to document their teaching practices.
- To help instructors develop focused and cohesive narratives, we developed aligned peer observation and student feedback instruments to gather multiple perspectives on their teaching.
- Feedback on teaching gathered with these materials is grounded by a common language that clarifies expectations and makes it easy to compare and contrast feedback from diverse audiences and reflect on professional growth over time.