File: Pedagogical Frameworks

The VIP Response to Critical Incidents

Our Recommendation

In this resource, trauma therapist Carolyn Schuyler lays out a three step framework for briefly and effectively responding to classes or students needing support after a critical incident, while also attending to your own needs.

There is no single “correct” way for instructors to address their students after a crisis or tragedy. Research indicates that the most important thing instructors can do is simply acknowledge the event(s) in some way (Huston and DiPietro, 2004).

The “VIP” Response is one framework instructors can use for brief and effective responses to classes or individual students needing social or emotional support after a critical incident. “VIP” is an acronym that stands for the key steps in the process: Validate, Inquire, and Plan.

In this guide, we introduce the VIP framework and offer examples of what instructors might do in each step. These are meant as inspiration, not a script. Words or actions that feel at odds with your personality or relationships with your students are not likely to feel authentic to your students. The framework is adaptable! Use language and activities that feel aligned with your values and who you are as a teacher.