Website: Learners and Learning

UDL Syllabus

Samantha’s Recommendation

What is a UDL syllabus? CAST highlights the UDL connections in syllabus design and offers example syllabus components that embed UDL considerations.

A syllabus designed based on the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has the potential to provide additional access and participation in a postsecondary course. This type of syllabus provides a variety of options for how information will be presented for the course, how students will be assessed, and ways to participate in the course as well as explicit expectations and available supports. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) works most efficiently in the design stage of learning environments. The construction of a course syllabus is an ideal opportunity to support UDL design and delivery elements for all incoming learners, demonstrating that there are multiple paths for learning and achievement within the course. Instructors can use the syllabus, therefore, as a powerful way to communicate or model how they will implement UDL principles and guidelines in the classroom. At the most fundamental level, the syllabus document itself should be accessible.