Audio: Learners and Learning

Six Principles of an Inclusive Syllabus Design

Samantha’s Recommendation

How universal is your syllabus design? Kirsten Helmer's six inclusive syllabus design principles can help you begin establishing high-quality relationships with students and communicate a commitment to inclusive and equitable teaching and learning.

Welcome to Episode 31 of the ThinkUDL podcast: Inclusive Syllabus Design with Kirsten Helmer. In this episode, we get the chance to discuss her presentation on inclusive syllabus design that is based on UDL principles. There are 6 parts to her presentation that we will discuss in detail and she has graciously provided her handout and presentation slides which are included in our resources section on the web page. These resources have a plethora of information and many links to other fantastic sources which will help anyone who is interested in designing their own inclusive syllabus. In our conversation, Kirsten mentions that these ideas will be included in an upcoming book chapter, but as of the release date of this podcast, it is not yet published. As soon as the book is available, we will update our resources to add a link to the book and her chapter in it. This really informative conversation provides a chance for those who are not able to travel to a conference themselves to still be able to benefit from the ideas shared there. I am so excited to share the work of such dedicated scholars and impassioned educators through the Think UDL podcast!

Note: The University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Teaching & Learning offers a video series of Kirsten Helmer's six principles of an inclusive syllabus design.