Audio: Instructional Practices
Instructor Talk
Teaching for Student Success Media
We take care designing course content, but what about the in-between language we use for logistics or to connect with students? Dr. Tanner is one of my favorite DBER scholars, with fascinating research on classrooms, so I also love this podcast episode as a discipline-based research vignette.

KIMBERLY TANNER: I would put a lot of money on instructor talk as being one of the reasons why we can have people go out and use very similar strategies, seemingly, but then get really different student outcomes from those active learning strategies. It's not the only variable. But I think it's the one that is prevalent in every classroom. … . And it's also a variable that is quite amenable to quick and easy change. And in terms of overturning structures and making change quickly, I am a firm believer that small change can make big differences. And small changes in language could phenomenally change the experience of an instructor who's really trying their best to promote learning for all of their students.