Article: Instructional Practices

Small Cues Contribute to Student Persistence

CBE: Life Sciences Education

Lynn’s Recommendation
This work is a cool way to study affective learning experiences for historically underrepresented students and has a great introduction elucidating the nuance of teaching contexts. I especially appreciate the way the social ripples of this study yielded conversations about kindness in STEM.

Macroaffirmations are obvious forms of communicating kindness (conveying respect for the dignity of another person) and inclusion, which may include sharing, helping, obvious facial expressions, politeness, and other readily recognized prosocial actions. Microaffirmations, on the other hand, are subtle or ambiguous kindness cues that can include tone of voice, space left between people when interacting, subtle mimicry, and actions that convey vulnerability...

These interventions of affirming a student or his or her values (i.e., cuing acceptance and affirmation of a person’s identity, values, skill set) strongly suggest that perceiving affirmations may be important to persistence for science students. Further research is needed, however, to better understand the nuances of how HU and majority students are alike and differ with regard to these relationships.