Article: Course and Assignment Design
Benefits of Open Pedagogy for Students
Students unfamiliar with Open Pedagogy may wonder how and why it might benefit them. This chapter offers a clear, concise explanation to help both faculty and students understand the potential outcomes of engagement in Open Pedagogy assignments.
Another benefit of engaging in open pedagogy is the agency you’ll have over your work in so many different ways. Having agency means having an active role in your learning process often by providing input or feedback to your instructor. Open pedagogy centers your agency so you can make decisions about how you might express your intellectual property rights (something we’ll talk more about in Chapter Six), or the submission format for a project, or how you choose to participate in certain activities.
When you do open pedagogy work, each step of the process builds in opportunities for choice and each step of the process is designed so that you are consistently learning new skills and then building on those skills. This is called scaffolding.