File: Course and Assignment Design

Setting Generative AI Expectations in Writing Assignment Guidelines: Critical Review (Mini) Paper Guidelines

Pary’s Recommendation

Students are often confused with their GenAI-usage level in the classroom due to many reasons, but the most important one being that different instructors have different guidelines. This sample paper guideline shows how we guided students on their GenAI use in different stages of their paper.

In this paper, you will analyze and critically evaluate the perspectives presented by Sarah Eaton and Maha Bali on the concept of a "post-plagiarism era" in academia. Reflect on the implications of digital technology on academic integrity and authorship, and articulate your own stance on these issues.

Note: The highlighted text in different colors below corresponds to your level of ChatGPT use recommended for each stage of your paper. Here is a color-coded guide for you to see what level of ChatGPT use is recommended for each stage of this paper. Please use this as a guide to determine your level of ChatGPT-use in each area. 

Red: It is better to accomplish independently

Yellow: With minimal help from ChatGPT

Green: With some help from ChatGPT