Video: Instructional Strategies

Appreciation for the Human Perspective

Pary’s Recommendation
I love Maria Dikcis's creative ways of incorporating ChatGPT into the writing course, especially through the "Me versus ChatGPT" assignment. This allows for students to critically compare their own writing with that of a GenAI's platform and evaluate another piece of writing that is not their own.

Summary from Harvard- Office of the VPAL:

Maria Dikcis teaches her students critical and analytical thinking by using ChatGPT. She has her students write a short essay and then ask ChatGPT to write the same essay based on a prompt. The students then write a brief paper analyzing the assignment and how ChatGPT wrote versus how they wrote the same essay. Dikcis finds that students often find flaws in others writing than their own, and that LLM miss nuances in writing. This assignment gives her students a newfound appreciation for human thought and human creativity.