Expertly curated content on a wide range of pedagogically focused topics
Designing and Conducting Center Program Assessment
This collection contains resources for educational developers interested in conducting assessment and/or evaluation of their programs.
How Can Science of Learning Principles Improve Learning?
This collection pulls together research and praxis on the science of learning. Resources give general overviews of the cognitive and affective principles of learning, offer concrete strategies for implementing the principles in the classroom, and will help you stay up to date on current research.
Supporting Faculty Engagement in SoTL
This collection contains resources for educational developers interested in supporting faculty engagement in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).
Syllabi Rubrics: Tools for Self-assessment and Research
A syllabus rubric can aid individual instructors, as well as departments and researchers, (self-)assess the learning and equity focus of syllabi for course and curriculum improvement.
How Can You Make Assignments Transparent?
The introductory video to this collection highlights the purposes behind developing transparent assignments, including increases to educational equity. The remaining resources help you get started and offer you concrete ways to continue to improve the transparency of your assignments.
The Theory and Practice of Peer Feedback
This collection contains resources to guide you in developing and implementing effective peer review assignments.
Learning Technologies to Boost Student Engagement
Interested in using technology to enhance student learning? Explore available learning technologies that can help improve student engagement, and hear from some UVA instructors on tools that are working for them.
How Do I Motivate Students to Learn?
This collection pulls together research and theories of human motivation. If you are wondering what motivates students to learn, or want to know how motivation theories can shape your teaching practices, these resources are for you.
More Than Lecturing
Lecturing tends to get a bad rap, but can be made a more effective instructional strategy when done right. Explore ideas for delivering lectures that keep students engaged and learning.
What Is Formative Assessment and How Can You Use It?
This compact collection describes formative assessment and provides lots of examples that are quickly and easily implemented in any course. The last resource will help you get started if you’re interested in research supporting the efficacy of formative assessment.
Getting Started With Specifications Grading
If you’re considering alternative grading schemes, these resources shed light on an approach called specifications grading, or specs grading.