Expertly curated content on a wide range of pedagogically focused topics
How Does Open Education Support Inclusive Classrooms?
Open Educational Resources (OER) contribute to student success by removing barriers of cost and supporting the design of inclusive, accessible, equitable learning experiences.
What is Open Pedagogy?
Open Pedagogy invites students to engage in authorship and curation of open resources, promoting student agency, motivation, collaboration, digital literacy, and open access awareness—allowing students to be creators of knowledge and not just consumers of it.
What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?
Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning and teaching materials that are licensed for free and adaptable use. These resources provide a foundational understanding of OER, examine how they are distinguished from other "affordable" materials, and highlight benefits for faculty and students.
How Do I Get Started with Open Educational Resources?
You've heard about the transformative potential of Open Educational Resources' (OER) use in the classroom but aren't sure where to begin? This collection connects you to the resources and support you need to take that initial step toward exploring the opportunities afforded by OER implementation.
Templated Canvas Courses
Using a course template can make your Canvas course more functional, easier to navigate, and easier to set up. This collection will help you understand why and how to use Canvas course templates and how to access templates created for you by the CTE.
Alternative Grading Practices
Alternative grading methods are as diverse as the instructors who implement them. This guide reviews the underlying principles of alternative grading and describes the similarities and differences between the various approaches.
A Primer on Class Participation
What is “class participation,” really? Why do we want our students to do it, and how will we know when they succeed? This collection will help you answer these questions for yourself, offer some practical frameworks for encouraging participation, and introduce a variety of options for assessing it.
Assessing Participation in Class Discussions
No matter how you define participation in class discussions, assessing it is fraught. Should you even do it? And if so, how? This collection details a range of approaches for fostering student participation and engagement, whether or not participation itself is graded.
Alternatives to Traditional Essays
There is much value in the traditional essay, but it’s not always the only, or even the best way to accomplish our teaching goals. Recently, instructors have been experimenting with a wide range of alternatives to the take-home essay, a process that the advent of generative AI has only accelerated.
UVA SEAS Resources: Teaching GenAI for Engineering Design and Analysis
This collection compiles course materials developed by UVA School of Engineering and Applied Sciences faculty to teach students how to use generative AI for engineering design and analysis. Any examples of student work are shared with students' permission.
ChatGPT in Technical Courses
ChatGPT can write code and provide instant, detailed explanations of complex topics, enhancing students' understanding and learning experience. Here, we offer resources pertaining to the integration of GenAI in teaching technical courses such as statistics, computer programming, and data science.
Leveraging AI in Assignments
Assessment possibilities abound within the current generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) landscape. Here, we share resources highlighting how you might lean into GenAI and leverage it in your assignments.
Explore the World of AI Media and Non-Textual Tools
Discover the capabilities of generative AI in shaping visual and auditory content and how to integrate generative media production into your classroom with essential tools and resources. Then explore the ethical and societal implications specific to AI media and addressing these topics in class.
Ethically Integrating AI Into Your Courses
This collection of resources offers insights on fostering responsible AI integration into your course, while emphasizing the importance of communication and upholding academic integrity in the evolving landscape of AI in education.
Generative AI in Business
Here you'll find a collection of the resources we've been sharing at UVA Darden School of Business to learn more about generative AI (GenAI) and its impact on our MBA curriculum and instruction.
What Are Ethical Considerations for AI?
What should you, your colleagues, and your students be mindful of as you engage with generative AI like ChatGPT? This collection provides an overview of a variety of ethical considerations for AI.
How Can I Promote Academic Integrity With AI?
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked renewed concern about academic integrity. Here, we recommend resources to help you consider ways to promote academic integrity in your courses, whether you choose to encourage or discourage the use of AI.
What Can I Do to Prepare to Teach With AI?
While generative AI is not new, the introduction of ChatGPT has instructors feeling a wide range of emotions. What are some practical steps you can take now to prepare for teaching in this changing landscape? Check out these resources for some concrete strategies that you can put into action now.
How Do I Communicate About AI With My Students?
Instructors and students alike must learn how to navigate the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning. Setting clear expectations is essential. Here we recommend resources to help you communicate about AI with your students.
Writing Assignments and Generative AI
Writing is at the core of every discipline and profession. Generative AI stands to redefine how we write and what counts as writing, while also challenging how we teach, assign, and assess writing. The following resources provide suggestions for any instructor who assigns writing in their courses.